Monday, May 2, 2011
Natural North America 4/30/2011 what a bust:(
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday Workouts, glam & all that good stuff!
So doing a figure competition does require that you spend a little$$$. Myy suit was about $200 paid last year. Wearing the same one three shows in a $50. Not so bad...but then...
Airbrush tan + hi def makeup 145 x 2=$290. That said, I could walk into MAC cosmetics and buy the same make up that i will never use for about the same,powder, blush, eys, cheeks & lips...again $$$. Then registration fees all within the 50-90 dollar range...oh and dont forget to become a member of each organization. Already a member of OCB but needed to join INBF & NPC. Set me back another $150. adds up! Maybe thats why I am doing 3 in a row? Getting my moneys worth? Hmmm...
IF I do ok (meaning I place) I will be getting another suit to compete in. My poor red suit is probably going to shrivel up after May 7!!! Im going to go with blue...I love it and it looks pretty good...
This week is peak week...I will be on a kooky carb cycle starting tomorrow...low low carbs then pump them back up to liveable levels Thursday morning-hahaha!!! That said, I am lucky in a metabolism has revved up since Ive gained lean muscle mass & burns thru what I eat so I dont have to go super super low...One thing I cant do this week is eat the dry oatmeal. Can u say all stopped up? EWWWWWWW...TMI, I kno....but it happens. And, I intentionally didnt buy anymore is an addiction that will have to wait:)
Arms & Cardio today if time...but it would be ok to have an off day, too...
Yesterdays workout was legs, butt & abs..went like this!
1.)20 box jumps ss w/15 low squats with 45 lb barbell 30 secs rest x 4 rounds
2.)Smith Sumo squats w/40lbs x 20 ss w/KB swings 4 rounds
3.) Twisting Walking lunges w/14lb med ball x 25 ss w/wall balls x 3 rounds
4.) Exercise ball hamstring (supine) curls x 20 ss/w band glute extensions x 3 rounds
40 TRX atomic push ups
30 TRX Pikes
Finished with 7 sets of machine hamstring surls lighter weight with my back arched somewhat...seems to hit that crappy glute ham tie in nicely! I dont look down whan I do them I sort of do the cobra position and hold onto the arm rest...not teh handles. Prob look like a freak doing in but...WHO CARES??????? HA!
Then stretch for 5 mins...felt great!
Circus with Mags, diner with the fam then early bedtime...was soooo looking forward to it:)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A week away!!!!!!!
Im excited for the first comp! Circuit style workout planned for today with focus on shoulders, abs & butt! Going on about 4 hours sleep & headed to the circus at cant ur butt Ill be asleep by8PM fo sho!
Butterflies for some reasonthis am...
yes, I am doing one. Bought a few cute sport bra tops & super short shorts, have a bikini but need more outfits. Hopefully Golds will "lend" me some gear to wear in a few shots..thats where the magic happens, baby!
Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13...10 days...WTF am I doing???
So this morning...weight around sure why but I cant do much more now!
Posing from 5-545 with Mindy who came in halfway thru & practiced her walk a bit! She is super cute, super fit & is doing a bikini competition in June. She will be sooooo ready:) The poor guy who was in the yoga studio where I practice must think I am nuts. I come in, put on my 5 inch heels then take off my shirt & strut around like a bemuscled peacock in a bikini top & bike shorts. That or he walked away a happy man for the day...ewwww...grosss....just threw up a little in my mouth.
Eats & beats...last day of low carbing....but will be below 50g...
So far..
Egg whites + 1 egg, 1/4 cup dry oatmeal
Protein powder shake (low carb...I think about 3 gs)
Tilapia + 2 cups steamed asparagus
15 almonds, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 cup raw red peppers
Protein pancake, 2 cups steamed broccoli
3 oz tilapia
Cardio HIIT on treadmill
Weights: Legs! 100's...lunges, squats, deadlifts (stiff legged), box jumps, skaters...oy....then I hope to do some TRX abs...might be dead tho...
Happy day!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
6 days & no posts!
So I just posted pics. Tho they dont give any good idea of my muscle definition Im happy with the leaness. I went home & ate carbs then bloated up like a pig...ew..........
My workouts have been much higher reps...tho today was shoulders & arms & I could do 25lb dbs for 4 sets of 12 for overhead press....YAY! Again, most things are circuits & Im trying to carb deplete until tomorrow night when I will carb up & see how things are looking!
Food today:
B'fast (8AM)-Large iced black eye coffee w/splenda from Sbux & 1 & 1/2 scoop Max pro protein (approx 30g protein) powder w/2 T PB2 dry peanut butter & 1/4 cup DRY oatmeal blended in . YUMMY!
Post workout (noon)-2 cups salad greens, 1/2 cup green peppes & 4oz grilled chicken (30g protein approx)
Snack 1 (3:00PM)-5oz tilapia (35 g protein approx)& 2 cups steamed asparagus, 1/4cup dru oatmeal mixed into 2 T OB2...O...I have an addiction!!!!
Snack: 5PM (I WAS STARVING!) Protein powder shake (max pro 30 g protein approx)
Dinner-2 cups steamed asparagus + 6 oz tilapia (40g protein roughly)
Snack-1/2 cup egg white (13 g protein approx)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
GOAL WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
135 ladies & gents, 135!!!!!!!!!! PHEW! Now that I know I can get there & carry a fair amount of happy:)
Switch to fish & egg whites only might have been the game changer!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
So have I mentioned the gym has cut down the time my kids can be in the childcare from 2 hrs to 90 mins!!!??? UGH! Completely cuts me off! I am trying to beatmyslef down by supersetting exercises. Today I did chest & shoulders...had wanted to do abs but no good...heres how the workouts went..
Cardio 45 mins @ 5:10am-6ish...had to shower & leabe the gym by 630am kirk getting on a plane for Chicago...
10 min run at 7.2 mph
Cardio circuit (plyos, medicine ball wallballs, lateral tubes squat walking, jumping rope, etc...that kinda stuff) for 17 minutes
Finished off with 10 mins uphill walk at 3.8 mph at 10% (no holding on dammit!)
Then back at 9:30 for weights: shoulders & chest
Incline chest press w/25 x 12 ss with OH DB shoulder press (started with 20's...did drop sets down to 15's by 4th set)
Incline chest w/barbell (45lbs) added 10 lbs ss w/incline (lying on side)db lateral shoulder raises w/10s ...4 sets
1/4 lateral raises (20lb dbs) x 20 reps ss w/bodyweight dips 10,10,8,10
Chest flye machine FST 7-55,55,55,55,40,40,40...all 10-12 reps (30 secs rest MAX)
Military BB OH press w/10lbs only 3 x 10
SMith military FST 7 40,40,30,30,30,30,20 10-12 reps (30 secs rest max)
Cable face pulls w/45lbs x 10 x 4
Done...times up! UGH! No freaking abs, no triceps...UGH UGH UGH!!!!
Protein pancake + 1/2 cup oatmeal (with water this time)
3 oz tilapia
Low carb Protein shake w/2 T PB2 added in-yummy!!!!
4 oz tilapia + 2 cups steamed asparagus + 3 oz sweet potato
Id also like to make several statements...people, PLEASE review gym rules of is neither polite nor appreciated to a.) stare me down intimidatingly so Ill move on to another activity b.) hand me my personal belongings before I even get off the damn machine c.) reserve equipment for a "friend" for 10 minutes while it sits there idly unused d.) take a weight plate (10 lb one at that! There are freaking plenty of those) Off of MY equipment in the middle of my stinking sets while I am sitting at said equipment!!! WTH??? PEOPLE LOST THEIR MINDS TODAY! ok...enough with my rant...
protein pancake + 1/2 cup oatmeal with water
preworkout 3 oz tilapia
Monday, April 4, 2011
OY VEY! Yes ladies and gents its crunch time. Diet goes to mostly fish and fish and egg whites and egg whites ( a little ground turkey, too) & 1 scoop chocolate low carb protein powder....along with the tons of veggies & oatmeal. Celebratory coke zero as I finished my first gallon of water about 30 minutes ago!!! Need to drop about 3 lbs and tighten up!
Cardio is on the rise. This didnt happen last year...I just leaned out super fast. This time my legs are holding on to all they can so I have to outsmart them. Started circuits. Many thanks to a trainer at the gym who I pestered for advice.
Heres how today went...and I only had 90 minutes! (Did 40min cardio sprint intervals at 5AM, tho) . Focus was on back, tho...
First circuit x 3
Bent over barbell rows 12 (I think I only added 20 lbs)
DB Plank rows 12 (with 15 lb dbs)
KB swings 25
Circuit 2 x 3
Standard deadlifts with 50 lbs added only (usually can add 90...not today so much) x 10
SUMO squats holding 30lb db x 15
BB lunges with 45 bar only x 12 reps per set
Circuit 3 x 3
BOSU over the tops
Single arm Db rows w/30lb DB
STep ups w/20lb dbs
Circuit 4 x 6 sets
T bar rows 25, 25, 20, 20, 20, 15
Low jump squats x 30 sec rounds x 3
Low squats 25 x 3
Circuit 5
Lat Pull Down x 5 sets
BOSU single leg glute raise x 15 x 3
On black side BOSU Stiff legged deadlifts 2 sets w/20 lb dbs, 2 sets w/15 lb dbs
Back flye machine to finish myself off...4 sets SUPERSLOW & CONTROLLED @ 55 lbs then I realized my time was up & I had to haul ass outta there & get the kids otherwise theyd be calling my name over the gym PA system! YIKES!
Food looks like this now:
breakfast still the same only with dry oatmeal
15 almonds
3/4 cup egg whites, 1/4 cup dry oatmeal, 2 T PB2 peanut butter w/4 celery stalks, 1/2 cup raw cucumners & 1 cup steamed green beans
Snack:4oz tilapia & 1 cup raw red peppers, 1 T PB2 & 1 no sodium rice cake
Snack at 4:30 should be 3 oz tilapia, 2 cups steamed asparagus
Dinner: 5 oz lean ground turkey + green veggies
before bedtime...1/2 scoop max pro protein powder + steamed broccoli
Sunday, April 3, 2011
just under three weeks...HOLY CRAP!
So...I think Im ready...legs need to lean out just a little but I cant do much more with whats left! 139 lbs. Its just gonna stay that way!
Seems Im able to blog about twice a week and thats it!!! Sick kids, traveling hubby & crazy life have prevented me from blogging!!!!
My workouts are getting more intense but witha little lower weight. I just cant manage it right now! Higher reps...lots sets per body part and more circuit style workouts. Im actually cutting back on steady state cardio more than 30 mins a few times a week! Thats good cause my husband will be gone ALL THIS WEEK so my workouts are going to be circuit based, supersetted & INTENSE!!!
Food is right at 1700 cals total...prob drop to 1500 within next week...then comes cutting week...oy vey. Ill cross that bridge when I get there!!!
The Proof!
THIS PICTURE! September 2007. Maggies baptism. Tons of people at my house to celebrate my tough little girlie. I fit in nothing. I cried because I looked like everything was a tent. Really, I just wanted to wear sweatpants & a t-shirt & be done with it. As tho u had no idea...Im in the middle between my adorable sis in law & my mom...A reminder of 185 lbs. I am about two weeks away from a cancer diagnosis in this picture, 45 lbs heavier than I am now, 5 months postpartum with Maggie, still nursing OBVIOUSLY (or pumping every two hours!!!...due to Treacher Collins Syndrome/small jaw she couldnt ever really latch), achy, bloated, exhausted & size 14. I could barely comprehend what was happening that day my brain was so fuzzy. I felt like a cement block in my body & mind. I promise. Its me....
forward to Jan/Feb 2011. Heres me again! Cancer free since 2008! Thyroid meds in check & working! Dropped 40 lbs. working hard in the gym & eating right at home. Honestly, its the me that feels better. My body doesnt hurt. I can carry on a conversation without feeling like my brain is imploding. Im a better friend. I have stamina. I dont get exhausted going up stairs. You can see my eyeballs cause my face isnt bloated. My boobs went from like an E to a B (actually, that kinda stunk). I can pick up Maggie, chase Ben, build sandcastles, play soccer, run 10 miles if I want to...all without getting exhausted & fatigued. I PROMISE. IF I CAN DO THIS ANYONE CAN. And, I promise, you'll just feel better. You can do anything:)
Monday, March 28, 2011
WTH? But an ode to Danelle!!!
My kids are sick. All.The.Time. Ben had a strep infection & sinus crap last week & now Maggie has the crud! I was thinking my competitions were going to go down the pooper big time. Kirk is gone most of next week...but...Danelle G our beloved friend, neighbor, sitter has arrived at just the right time!!! She graduated college in Feb(?) and is now home until she starts her job. My kids love her and she has come in the right place at the right time for sure!!!
I accomplished almost everything in my workout + I added some no weight butt stuff (hamstring ball curls & donkey kicks) in between the triceps stuff. But, no time for abs. My intention is to do a bunch of hanging leg raises and partner medicine ball tosses with a 14 lb med ball....along with shoulders & biceps.
You know, I recognize that I go to the gym for health reasons, to train for my competitions and to keep cancer away & destress. That said, I also love the social connections I have made there. Everyoen working on all different goals all realate to their personal health and well being. And, it is so cool for people to notice ad acknowledge things like,"Wow, you are really starting to look cut" or "Your shoulders look phenomenal" Just saying...its nice:) Im super lucky!
Monday, Monday
One sick kid and the other semi-recovered. Thank goodness for sitters/friends otherwise my chest & triceps workout would go down the pooper.
Strange weight is 143 today. Not freaking...just not so sure where it came from...maybe!
Morning cardio looked like this:
40mins sprint/hill intervals on dreadmill then three rounds of 25 plyo box jumps, lateral resistance tube squats (about 16 total), then walking lunges with a twist w/a 14 lb medicine ball. Lasted about 15 minutes with water and catching my breath:)
Chest & tris SHOULD look like thig:
Bench-heavy as possible
Cable flyes
Incline Bench
Machine flyes (FST-7)
Decling push ups to finish off
Bench dips with feet evelvated, skullcrushers, cable overhead tri extensions
Cable curls & medicine ball behind the head tosses
Food is typical now...mostly no carbs beyond 2PM. 200 g protein,tho. A gallon + of h2o in by 2 PM...then I get to have a coke zero. No...not the healthiest but still feels like atreat!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Holy cow I cannot believe it has been over two weeks since I last blogged. That said, I have been SUPER clean on the eating front & my six pack is back....ah.... bummer of it all...NO BOOBIES! Gone. Deflated. No fat:(
Myy waist is almost an inch smaller this time around and my shoulders a bit bigger (thats just based on my own observation/pics) Ill have my hubby take some pics today then post tell me what you think!
Heres my eating as of right now...about 1700 cals...varys day to day but sticks around there..
Large Iced Black eye coffee w/splenda from Starbux at 5am...(about 3-4 days a week)
Breakfast (postam cardio) 1/2 cup oatmeal, 12 raw almonds, 3/4 cup egg whites, 2 oz ground turkey
Snack: 1/2 cup raw red peppers & 4 oz lean meat (whatever I have on hand)
Lunch: 3/4 cup oatmeal (ah ha!), 2 cups steamed veggies & 5-6ox lean meat
Snack: 1 cup veggies (usually raw asparagus), 1 cup coffee w/SF powdered sweetner (yes, I kno artificial but I need the caffeine)
Dinner:2 cups salad greens, 4 oz lean meat...if I havent taken any bites of the kids foods or eaten a tablespoon of peanut butter randomly I will have 1/4 cup oatmeal by 4/ later. Ill prob pull this here soon...but I am right at 140 and am afriad to drop it too quickly..
Bedtime snack...Ive been slacking...exhaustion prevents this from happening...
Workouts look like this:
Mornings...Sun/Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat Cardio. Some days its 30-45 mins HIIT...others its a cardio cicuit and others its 60 min long steady state.
Mid mornings Mon-Fri Weights Split bodyparts. Recently, Im taking a cardio class (Body attack or Body Combat) preweights at about 9am. Then the split goes like this:
Mon:45 mins am Cardio, Pilates & Chest
Tues:Shoulders & triceps
Weds:Legs & abs
Thur:45 mins am cardio, Body Attack, then Back & butt
Friday:Arms, abs
Saturday:90 minutes cardio -took Body Combat today...superfun!!
Sunday-yoga & 45 mins steady state cardio...
Some days I am getting in a third workout...just cause:) I am addicted!
4 weeks and I cannot even believe it...Im getting so excited. It is so fun to compete. I have made friendships throughout this whole process that I kno will last a lifetime. I love it!!!
Id love any tips/tricks/insights on my "schedule" of food & workouts...AND I will post pics later tonight!
Have a great day!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
PLease check thi sout...
My friend Shawn changed lives. He never gave up...tho its a little long its important to know. Take it with you during the day. During those moments where you think you cant, wont or dont want to try think about this amazing man:) SOmetimes, when I cant quite get my focus or I am wondering why do all this I think of him. On paper & in words he is person he was larger than life...and about the warmest most genuine person you will ever meet...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Sick little lamb:(
So, my kids always come first. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that before...but they do. Tuesday & Wednesday are no exception. My little girlie-Maggie-is supersick. Tuesday she didnt go to school...and I didnt get ANY workout in. Good diet has been super great. Not working out makes me an angry bihatch but when it comes to the little people I birthed I cannot get upset....I just have to say "oh well". My grand plans were to get in a long cardio session Weds early AM...before attacking my legs mid morning. Well....
At 5AM I stepped on the scale-141!!!!!!!! WAHOO! I just need to get to 135 in 6 weeks. That I kno I can do if I keep the super clean eats going. So, given that Maggie had been running a fever & wasnt feeling well and knowing that I would be attacking my legs later on I decided NOT to do the intended cardio session. Good thing...Mags was up really early...with a 103 fever!!! WTH!? My poor girl cannot catch an immunobreak! Luckily I had been proactive and asked a sitter to come hang with her while I went to the gym. Besides the fever, Mags "seemed" well-she ate a huge breakfast, drank tons of water, soymilk & juice and was acting like her typical silly energetic I left and went to do my leg workout. About 90 minutes later, as I was driving home from the gym my hubby (who works from our house) called to tell me Maggie had fallen asleep at 11:45! This, my friends, never happens...ever...If she falls asleep it is usually by 12:30/1PM. NEVER before noon. I got home ate my delish protein, green veggies & clean carb just in time...then...
BARK! BARK!Attempt at CRY! BARK! BARK! Scream. oh boy...croup. I bolted upstairs to find my poor precious girlie standing in a puddle :( crying and attempting to breathe thru the stupid croupy cough! Got her into the bathroom & steamed her out for about 15 minutes but as I was holding her I felt heat coming off her body like a hot radiator. Yep. 104.5. SHIT SHIT SHIT! Called the doc who wanted her in stat (she has a really crummy immune system...) and the verdict...besides the stupid croup...INFLUENZA B! NO NO NO NO NO NO! Now...
Lethargic little lamb. She looks awful but I have gotten the first dose of Tamiflu in. She has atiny bit of stridor I can hear from here (Im about 12 feet away from her as I write) but nothing too freaky...its been worse. Maggie has a genetic condition that i will blog about at some point. Its called Treacher Collins SYndrome. If you google it, it will freak you out. No kidding. It can be very severe. Hers is just moderate. Thank goodness. She has moderate-severe bilateral conductive hearing loss & wears hearing aids. She has a small jaw (micrognathia)Shes had some kooky medical issues her whole life related & unrelated so this is pretty par for the course. I just hope she gets a break at some point:(
But...I did get my leg workout in!!!! And abs, too!
Here it is:
95 x 12 x 2
115 x 10 x 2
135 x 8 x 3
Leg Press:
90 x 15 x 4
Smith static lunges:(did BW lateral/curtsy lunges in between sets 10 x 5)
20 x 12 x 5
Stiff legged Deads:
95 x 12 x 2
115 x 10 x 3
Curtsy Lunges w/BB:
Bar (45lbs) 12 x 3
Quad extensions:
70 x 10 x 3
60 x 10 x 2
Hamstring ball curls:
20 x 3
Hamstring machine curls:
70 x 10 x 4
Ball tuck crunches 3 x 12
Incline (on bench) oblique 10 lb medicine twists: 15 x 3
Then I legs so needed it. Then, I indulged in a nice long hot"ish" shower.......
Happy night everyone....Back & biceps are going to have to be done early AM tomorrow due to my little lamb being so sick...I probably cant go as heavy at 5:30AM. This should be interesting.......
Monday, March 7, 2011
Wondertwin powers active...
Yea baby...energys up! Iron must be filtering back into my blood cells. A few weeks of iron supplementation & I feel a million times betta!!!!!!! YAY! I feellike superherogirl! (Eve 6 song!)
So...all this week I intend to do 2 a days...cardio early mornng Mon-Fri for 45-60 mins. Then weights, strength, etc...60-90 mins a few hrs later.
Generally, I like to leave three hours between training sessions. I believe someone once told me that was adequate time for your body to replenish its glycogen/energy stores. Seems to work for me.
Eats & Beats...
5:25-6:20 am
Cardio 55 mins-(apparently having cardio ADD)
15 elliptical
20 treadmill at between 6-30% incline no slower than 3.8 mph
Stairstepper with the 20 lb weighted vest 20 minutes alterating going up laterally, alternating steps & speed intervals up to 18 (kicks my butt...almost fell off...Im a dorko)
Meal 1 7:15am:3/4 c. egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal w/15 almonds
(I sincerely cannot eat before working out and today was no different!)
W/O:Chest & SHoulders..9:30
Bench 55 x 15 x 2, 65 x 10 x 3, 85 x 8 x 2 (compound lying weighted-5lb-leg raises 15 x 3)
Incline bench: 45 x 12 x 2, 55 x 10 x 3, 60 x 10 x 2 (compound w/rear lunges w/15 lb dbs x 10 x 3)
Incline DB Flyes: 25 x 12 x 4 (compound w/donkey kicks 20 x 3)
Machine Flyes: 55 x 10 x 3, 70 x 8 x 3
Cable Flyes:(just because) 7 sets @ 35 lbs ouch.
Bench dips 12 x 4
Skullcrushers-30lb bb x 12 x 4 (hip thrusters on bench 15 x 3)
Cable pulldowns-40 x 12 x 4 (compound with cable crunches 90 x 20 x 2, 100 x 20 x 1)
Meal 2 11:30:
1/2 cup oatmeal + 6 oz chicken + 2 cups steamed green beans + 2 cups salad greens (no...I do not smell nice at all...)
Meal 3 2:15PM: Low Sodium rice cake w/1T natural Pnut butter (so so so good), 1 cup raw red peppers, 3 oz chicken
And Im planning on the following...
Meal 4 4:30PM: 3 oz chicken + 1/2 cup homemade sugar free granola w/crushed raw almonds.
3 cups old fashioned oats
1 cup sugar free syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
1 T canola oil
1/2 cup crushed raw almonds
Mix together in a bowl. Add a little warm water if too dry. Spread on cookie sheet in 425 degree oven for 20-30 mins until slightly browned. Super yum!
Meal 5 6:00PM: Low carb protein shake (30g protein per serving/2 g carbs)
Meal 6 8:00PM: 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 cups steamed asparagus
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday & Sunday
So, my weight is stable & not moving any. UG! Time to add in more cardio....
Saturdays cardio looked like this...
Treadmill 35 mins alternating incline between 6-30%, walking at no less than 3.5mph. Then, I added in my circuit where I wear the 20lb weighted vest and knock out a total of 55 lateral steps ups & 55 bench incline push ups in descending order (10, 9, 8 and so on). This lasts about 7-10 minutes and I was dripping wet. Felt good and Im glad I did it:)
Food was ok...I ate an oreo cookie at a birthday party for a friends a few bites of pizza crust. Crap. That said...I maintained my protein & had a slamming good dinner. 5 oz lean ground turkey & 2 cups steamed asparagus.
Im prepping my food for the week...8 chicken breasts marinating in ground ginger, pepper. YUM!
Sundays acrio will be gentle...was supposed to do yoga but because my weight is STUCK I need to add in more cardio...yuk. Probably do elliptical for 45 mins.
Last thing...cramps stink. Just thought Id say that...
happy day:)
Fridays & saturdays workouts
So, if I havent mentioned before my shoulders & my rump are my "problem areas" (hahaha JT). So, I try to target the caboose with almost every workout & I hit my shoulders twice a week. Friday was a superlow carb day (until I had two beers with dinner). So I didnt anticipate being able to go heavy but....
Cardio w/u on incline treadmill between 21-30% at 3.5-3.8 mph 7 minutes
OH DB Press:
warm up set w/20lbs x 15
25 x 10 x 4
30 x 8 x 1 (I was shocked but it felt awesome!)
Seated db lateral raises compound with walking medicine ball (14lbs x 15) with a twist/ball bounds (x 12) with medicine ball
10 lbs x 12 x 4
Military Press:
bar x 12 x 1
bar + 10 x 10 x 3
bar + 15 x 10 x 3
Front plate raises compound with donkey kicks 15 x 3 & low (rear almost touching the floor) bodyweight squats 25 x 3
25 x 10 x 4
Abs triset:
Cable crunches, oblique twists (bikes), hip thrusters 3 sets of 20 reps...this killed...I hadnt done a full consistent set of abs in a few days!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday BACK!
Killed my back today! Actually, my lower back is super sore and I need to get it limber because holding poses on stage means you "stick your ass out & tits to the sky" (in the words of Tina Peratino) Its hilarious. In the poses, you have to get rid of the lovely line where your glutes & hamstrings meet. This means that unless it is gone when you lean your body down you need to practice sticking your booty out as far as it can go until that line is gonzo. And, this means the lower back has to have some flexibility & endurance in holding the pose! UGH! So...onto the workout...
Plank rows:
15 x 12 x 4...with bent over one arm DB rows 25 x 10 x 4
Lat Pull Downs:
50 x 10 x 3
60 x 8 x 2
T-Bar rows:(slow controlled tempo...really feeling it!)
25 x 10 x 1
35 x 10 x 2
45 x 8 x 2
Bent over BB rows:(underhand grip)
45 x 12 x 2
65 x 10 x 2
Bench dips 12 x 4 superset with close grip chest press 30 x 12 x 4
Cable pull downs 40 x 15 x 5 (super slow & controlled)
20 x 3
NO abs:( Got chatting and blew my time...dummy!
Weds workout...LEGS:)
Weds...LEGS lovely lovely...
5 AM cardio on treadmill alternating inclines & speed 60 mins (only intended to do 45 but my music was too good!)
typical b'fast:
7:30am:1/2 cup oatmeal, black coffee, 3/4 cup egg whites, 1 cup steamed asparagus
W/O 9:30-11:00
SQUATS:lots of 'em... 8 sets like this...
warm up with bar...20 reps
95 x 15 x 4
115 x 10 x 2
135 x 8 x 2
Stiff Legged Deads:
95 x 12 x 2
115 x 10 x 2 (slow tempo down, quick up)
Static lunges:
45 x 12 x 2
65 x 10 x 2
Leg Press:
Fast tempo + hi reps (just mixing it up)
90 x 15 x 2
140 x 10 x 2
90 x 12 x 1
Leg Extension:
70 x 12 x 4
Hamstring curl machine:
70 x 10 x 4
70 x 10 x 4
Plank holds: 2 x 1min
11:15am: 1 scoop of hi protein powder shake
12:30PM: 5 oz ground turkey, 2 cups romaine lettuce, 1 T peanut butter
2:30PM: Coffee w/sf powder creamer, 1/2 sweet potato, 10 raw asparagus spears
5:30PM: 3/4 egg whites, 2 cups steamed asparagus
8PM: 1 scoop protein powder
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
O dear shoulders...
workout (food on previously post)...
Warm Up:
Military press with 45lb bar only 2 x 15
55 x 10 x 3
60 x 8 x 2
Lateral raises on an incline bench @ 30 degrees (sitting/leaning sideways raise the db up to parallel with shoulder, squeeze at top then back down)
10 x 10 x 4 coupled with standing upright row to overhead press with 45 lb bar ...ouch but no...theres more!
1-10 overhead press with a kneel down (got this from Joe several weeks ago. Basically grab "lighter" DB's-I use 10lbs. Overhead press then kneel down for one while locking out arms with weights held overhead the whole time, then 2, then 3...all the way to 10...sounds easy/ no freaking way...), coupled with one legged bicep curl then step ups
10lb x 12 x 3 sets
Face pulls 45 x 10 x 4 coupled with ab cable crunches (95 lbs) then prone bicycles 20 of each...yowza and close grip bent over single arm rows targeting rear delts 20 x 12 x 3
Seated overhead press with Smith Machine...just because...
20 lbs added...4 sets of 20. Thought I was done then I looked at my workout & forgot cable front raises...crap!
20 x 10 x 4...DONE!
SO I so just crapped out & ate 1/2 a pop tart...dammit! I also ate my egg whites, ground turkey & oatmeal...but, CRAP! WHY?? no carbs at lunch. So, my former trainer & super awesome kick ass fitness man, Dan G gave me this carb cycling protocol over a year ago...WOW! When i hit a plateau I would do this and it worked. First time I did it for 3/4 weeks I dropped 5 lbs...after that it was more like 2/3 but it still point of all of this??? I am doing this yet again!
"Workout days... carbs for 3 meals (30-50g per meal)
off days... carbs for breakfast only (30-50g for entire day)
every 4th workout... carbs for 3 meals as you would for work out days but for dinner eat whatever you want" Dan G. (dont want to steal anyones shit, ya kno?)
off days... carbs for breakfast only (30-50g for entire day)
every 4th workout... carbs for 3 meals as you would for work out days but for dinner eat whatever you want" Dan G. (dont want to steal anyones shit, ya kno?)
So yesterday I stayed with in the protocol. My carbs were blueberries, 1 medium banana & oatmeal. I NEED to start getting the fruit out. It makes me sticky. Ill most likely knock off the fruit starting today-no time like the present!
Food Plan for Today..
Meal 1 7:30am: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 4 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup egg whites....o...and that God awful 1/2 pop tart
Meal 2 11am ( I have to wait so long because I cannot eat right before working out...I get indigestion and am burping the whole time...ewwww:( : 1 scoop WPP shake right after workout
Meal 3 12:30/1:00PM: 2 cups salad greens, 5 oz ground turkey, 1 cup carrots & 1 T hummus
Meal 4 3:30PM: Rice cake w/pnut butter & 1/2 cup egg white
Meal 5 6:30/7PM:(I have to wait.I have a client at 5 and wont be home til 6:30/7) 3 oz pot roast (yes...i did write pot roast) 2 cups roasted asparagus-using PAM & Mrs Dash only
Monday, February 28, 2011
Why do any of this???
So...if I havent made it clear before I am doing all of this for me. No one else. Self centered. Singular reason. For me. That said, I am not doing it to become a sex object, soft porn star, voyeurs wet dream (sorry had to do it), hustler magazine girl (my boobs arent big enough) or YouTube sensation that teenage boys like to check out and do...well, whatever. Not even close.
I AM doing this because for some shows me that
a.) I no longer have a bit of cancer in my body and my own will, strength and committment makes sure every day it stays GONE
b.) so I continue to have th eenergy to keep up with my family and enjoy every second of my Ben and Maggies little lives. precious moments going by sooo superfast. I dont want to miss ANY OF IT
c.)because honestly being a size 4 is so freakin awesome I cant stand it. Size 12/14 sucked Clothes just look nicer and I can find fun cute stuff.
d.) I inherited bad bad bad genetics...I am running away from them as much as possible (diabetes, depression & heart disease, mostly)
e.) ...and it feels right, fun, and provides a lot of focus to how I go thru my day and manage my life. The physical & mental are highly correlated in my case.
Tho Ive come to this game a little later in life, I believe I found the "right" thing for me. Life's too short not to do things you might be afraid of. when you do them and you "conquer" them it is the most self empowering feeling...ever. There, all for me....




So yesterday was POSING is necessary and gets you completely pumped to get up on stage. If anyone lives in the DC metro area and are interested inor doing a competition TINA PERATINO is da BOMB-no shit. She is the Master of ceremonies in a big way. I adore her energy, her determination & the fact that she shoots straight while at the same time appreciating every client as a beautiful strong woman who is working shame in that game!
90 minutes of quarter turns & stage walks and Tina gives THE BEST advice. I absolutely hands down trust her to get me thru this process yet again...
Here are my progress pics...I am about 7 weeks out from the NPC Max Muscle competition in woodbridge. Besides looking REALLY tired (note:bags under eyes...) Im feeling pretty good. Weight is 143. (Im almost 5'9") Still cannot seem to maintain ANY muscle mass in my shoulders and I hope & pray as my diet cutting contiues they will come out more. My abs will return as I cut... And my legs & butt should...hopefully...lean out so I have no glute/ham line and that I do get a slightly noticeable quad sweep...Id love input...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to post comments...*
*I do not take my self that seriously so please comment or suggest at will.:)
Happy Day!
will post workout-SLAMMIN WORKOUT-lata!!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
...and theres today!!
Making up for lost time for SURE! Heres my eats & beats...
Meal 1 6:30am: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup froz blueberries, protein powder pancake (egg whites + 1 scoop protein powder...its actually YUMMY)
Meal 2 8:45am: 1/2 banana + 1/2 schoop protein powder shake + 12 cocoa roast almonds
Meal 3 11:45am (post workout): Low carb Protein shake + 1 grande iced coffee from s'bux (nothing exciting about it...still feels treat-y!)
Meal 4 1:30pm: RED MEAT-4.2 oz lean gr beef + 2 cup salad greens + 1 cup steamed asparagus + 1 whole raw red pepper....
Meal 5 4:00PM: apple + 1 t almond butter
Meal 6 7:00PM:3 oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup egg whites + 1 cup steamed asparagus
WORKOUT-a very long one that I tried to semi condense...ran out of gas and the bicep portion got jipped! All good tho...
BACK/SHOULDERS/BICEPS: warm up 10 mins elliptical on level 15-20 (tried to use my arms as much as possible) did at least 5 sets of every exercise just to use up all the gas....
Bent over barbell rows ss w/Shrugs: 55 x 15 x 1, 65 x 10 x 4
t-Bar rows:25 x 12 x 1, 35 x 10 x 3, 45 x 8 x 2 (did rear lunges in between sets 4 sets of 15)
Lat Pull Down: 50 x 10 x 3, 60 x 8 x 2
Low Row: 60 x 10 x 5
OH Shoulder Press: slow tempo...20 x 10 x 4, 20 x 8 x 1
Cable lateral raise: 20 x 10 x 4 (did ab cable crunches in between sets 100 x 20 x 4-ouch)
1/4 lateral raises: 25 x 20 x 4
DB front raises: 10 x 10 x 2 alternating arm/10 x 10 x 2 both arms together
Body weight dips (heres where I can tell my strength is down:( UGH!) 8, 7, 6, 5...used to do at least 10 per set..UGH!
BB curls: 30 x 12 x 4
Alternating incline DB curl:15 x 10 x 4
Then...I ran out of gas......
Usually, I dont do shoulders with something big like back or takes too much time and I run out of energy. I usually have about 60-90 mins MAX t workout mid morning so I need to get my stuff done efficiently. Sounds crazy to most people. They ask me how long my workouts are and when I explain that some days they are-spread across both a cardio & weights session-about 2+ hrs long, I get the crazy woman look. If I was younger, didnt have my kookoo health issues, kids-whatever-I could probably do a better job of both stamina & time. But, it is what it is and I do what I do:)
Two months till competition #1. Still anticipate doing the April 23rd NPC show in woodbridge...tho i dont think I will fare that well. NOC appears to like "fuller" and more rounded, not so much. I just lean out. So....Ill do it as my "warm up" and see how it goes!
Have a great day! Kick butt!
Thursdays eats
So, I had an unplanned off day yesterday...sick kids & friends required my immediate attention. It is all good...they come first. Yesterday was actually a FANTASTIC eating day despite the lack of workout. Heres Thursdays eats...
B @ 7am: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup froz blueberries + 1 whole egg & 1/2 cup egg whites
Snack 10:30am: apple slices (about 1/2 a large apple) + 1 T peanut butter (yummy)
Lunch 1:30PM:5 oz ground turkey (93% lean) + 2 cups salad greens & 1/2 cup steamed (after cooking) spinach + 1/4 cup emerald cocoa roast almonds...I kno these are really off the diet-they are ROASTED not RAW, I kno...but so so good!
Snack 3:30:3 oz chicken breast + 1 cup steamed aspragus + 1 cup raw red pepper
Dinner 5:30PM: 1 cup Butternut squash soup-homemade. Heres the recipe:
"1 whole diced onion, 3 stalks celery-diced, 2 cup diced raw butternut squash, garlic powder, mrs dash, 1/2 teaspoon salt, pepper, 1 container low sodium chicken broth. Cook veggies in PAM stock until transclucent, add in spices & butternut squash. Cook for 5 mins altogether. Pour in entire contents of chick broth. Cook for 30 mins over low med heat. Using immersion blender (when its cooled to room temp) blend the heck out of it...or to the consistency you like. Yummy carbs"
4 oz ground turkey + 1 cup steamed asparagus + 1 cup salad greens..
Worst part was that I didnt eat after dinner. I was full & felt it! bad move. If Im going to keep the muscle mass I have I HAVE to eat some form of protein before bed...goal for protein before bed! now...ONWARD!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Slacker! Weds LEGS!
So...Ive been abit of a slacker. I learned or at least discovered int he fall that I can lean myself down pretty quickly. So, Ive sort of been a bit of a slacker! That said, I have compensated by doing 45-60 mins cardio every morning...foods Ive slacked on-BEER (funny thing weight dropped 4lbs over the weeknd-no working out at all). Again...I dont want to lose anything yet..I NEED to maintaint he muscle mass I have. As soon as I drop weight I get "puny" (a very relative puny!)
Ive been super strict with my workouts but was not feeling it today...which worries me. Weds is ALWAYS leg day and I could barely cut it...and, I am eating like a madwoman-carbs,too..
Heres my eats & beats for today:
5:15-6:00AM elliptical intervals from 10-20.
Meal 1 7:00:Protein bar...actually a balance bar. I was feeling so tired. And, I had to run to the grocery store. Out of soymilk. Also, an iced black eye from s'bux. (I am an s'bux WHORE)
Meal 2 8:30:1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 cup frozen blueberries. 3/4 cup egg whites w/2 oz ground turkey
WORKOUT 9:45-10:40AM:
SQUATS...10 sets...
95 x 12 x 2
115 x 10 x 4
135 x 6 x 4
Stiff Legged Deadlifts...5 sets
95 x 12 x 2
115 x 10 x 3 (fast tempo)
Leg Press (heres where I knew I was tired....could barely eek out all my sets!!! WTH?)
90x 15 x 3
Done. Kaput.
Saw my friend & decided rest was best. Went for coffee. (yes...the whore came out) S'bux grande skinny caramel macchiato. Coffee is the most likely culprit leeching nutrients from my body. Time to knock that shit off!
Grocery store.
Meal 3 12:30: 3 oz chicken breast, 1 cup steamed spinach with garlic, 1/2 cup strawberries
Meal 4 3:10PM: 4 oz ground turkey + 2 cups salad greens
Supplements...Multivitamin, calcium, iron + vitamin C, liquid L-carnitine, glutamine (pre/post wkout)
Meal 5 will hopefully be at 5:30: 4 oz ground turkey, 1/2 sweet potato (no skin)
Meal 6 8:00PM: 1/2 cup egg whites.
My protein consumption is in the crapper. Need to get it back up!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Holy posts for a few I go!
So...I just found out I am anemic & that my thyroid meds are not enough. fantastic. lovely. joy to the world. Ive been a little tired and a little unfocused recently. Ive also been running out of gas quickly during my workouts-THAT SUCKS! Even Metallica cant fuel me so much...and I truly havent even started diet cutting yet... Good thing is that my meds got upped and little iron + vitamin C should do the trick...within 6 weeks I should be feeling it-oh great. Ill have to propel myself like a mad woman thru my workouts until that time. I am wondeing does anyone use workout "enhancers" like Jackd3D? Thoughts? Any other suggestions? Id really rather not use this stuff but my energy is sucking...
So my eats & beats...
Heres a little tidbit of what I have got going on....
Monday was shoulders...did my standard workout for shoulders & triceps (look back on other workouts & ul see what I mean) but I ran out of gas at the end and know I didnt squeeze every bit of glycogen out of my muscles. I should have pushed harder but ran out of gas. Then, for legs & booty, I did 100 box jumps, 80 rear lunges with 15 lb dbs.
Monday was also Valentines day. After getting the news that I am severely anemic I took it upon myself to have skirt steak fajitas for our dinner out at Austin Grill...minus the rice, tortillas & most of the beans. I ate the meat and veggies...super salty but super yummy. I have no appetite so I forced it down! Breakfast was my standard oatmeal, bluberries & egg whites...
Lunch was 5 oz chicken breasts w/2 cups romaine lettuce. Snack was some kind of power bar...oh and asparagus...always my beloved all the standard quantities!!
Tuesday was back & biceps...again...gas tank has been feeling "un-full" which stinks. I didnt even do standard dead lifts to start-my usual workout routine always includes those progressing the weight up til failure. Nope. not Tuesday. Heres the specific workout:
5:15-6:15am...Treadmill walk-intervals on both speed & incline the entire time. Otherwise its is super boring;(
9am-10:30 Back & Biceps
Barbell rows with an underhand, close grip: 20 x 12 x 4 with 30 seconds of rest in between only
t-bar rows: 1 x 25 x 10, 2 x 35 x 10, 2 x 45 x 10
Bent over single arm rows:30 x 10 x 4, 35 x 10 x 1
LPD:50 x 10 x 3, 60 x 8 x 2
Low Row: 60 x 12 x 4
Assisted Close grip pull ups ( not sure how much weight assisted me but pin was prob 3/4 way up the stack) to failure...close to 50 I think...
Barbell curl 30lbs x 12 x 4 (in between sets threw in abdominal cable crunch 20 @ 100 lbs x 3sets)
Incline Db curls:15 x 10 x 4 to Maggies school to host a Valentine Party a day late:)
B @ 7:15...standard oatmeal w/blueberries & egg whites (see a pattern here???)
Preworkout-1/2 Balance bar
Postworkout-didnt have anything but a handful of gummy bears on the way to the party so I majorly screwed my muscles! Then about an hour after the party...and two hours after working out I ate 1/2 a subway turkey sub on whole wheat loaded with veggies & mustard only...
Then for a "snack" about 4 hours later I ate the other half!
Dinner @ 7PM-(crazy day & I wasnt feeling really well..stupd head cold is kicking my butt!) I had a repeat of the breakfast meal.
Wednesday (today)...was SUPPOSED to be a BIG LEGS DAY but my sitter couldnt make it on time, I had too many errands and so...I did only 45 mins cardio (steppmil & treadmill) at legs...which I am bummed about. My body definitely craves a big workout. I *might* try to lug the kids to the gym this evening but it gets soo crowded and crazy and I pretty much cant stand it. Blah!
So...there goes....OH!!! OH!!! I registered to compete in the Natural North America (INBF) in Alexandria, Virginia on April 30th. First "official" registration Ive more excuses...time to kick ass & take names...and have fun doing it!!! YAY!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!!
Cable curl
Thursday, February 10, 2011
So we returned from florida...beautiful sunny and WARM Florida.....I already miss it!!!
It was a relaxing wonderful time and we all really enjoyed ourselves...great beach, pool...yummy eats (and lots of cheats!!)...just awesome. I got the best compliment of my life while we were there...on the beach, in my bikini no less the resort activity director (very handsome man, I might add!) told me when he first saw me he thought I was Jessica Biel!!!!! And, I dont believe he said it to win any favors or hit on husband was there on the beach with me & the kids! I laughed outloud and asked him if he needed glasses. Then, I told him my "schtick"- Im a 39 year old mom of two children, cancer survivor, and have lost over 40 pounds...he was very complimentary of my physique and I was really happy. I work my butt off..and no, I do not think I am that caliber but it was nice that someone thought I looked superfit in my bathing suit (which I am surprisingly NOT self concious in!) I will return to my regularly scheduled programming...EATS & BEATS!
I am too lazy to go get my workout log for Mon-Weds so I will put it simply..
Mon-Chest & shoulders-HEAVY
Tuesday-BACK, abs & biceps-HEAVY
Weds-LEGS...100 squats with weight, leg press, static lunges, leg extensions, hamstring curl...early am cardio 45 mins
Thurs (today) Light weight/high rep bilateral shoulder work, triceps & abs....early AM cardio on the new fancy treadmills 60 mins
Friday:Chest again, 100 lunges, and probably a spur of the moment cardio circuit!
Bad bad bad...maybe Ive been consuming 70-90g protein a day...and Ive been feeling it...tired tired tired!
Breakfast is the only meal I consistenly eat enough of and it is always the same:3/4 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries & splenda
I always get a protein shake in post workout but otherwise have been skimping on eating beyond 5PM. I KNOW I need more protein and I think I have had enough today so far. I forgot how full it makes me feel!!! Good thing is except for the bite sized laffy Taffys I ate yesterday my diet has been super clean...just NOT enough food!
Oh...and the water consumption has been in the 120 range...I cannot get to a gallon!!
My goals for the next week are to get back to being a super stickler on the diet, eat enough protein for sure!
And, I would just like to say it again I LOVE LIFTING WEIGHTS! If you know any woman who is scared to lift because she thinks she will bulk up PLEASE tell her it is complete bullshit. period.
Hope everyone is great and now time to catch up on all of your blogs!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday Shoulders, tris & LUNGES
So, Ive decided that my recent penchant for lunging has helped my caboose. I have NEVER EVER like the way my hindparts look. I once saw a picture of me from behind-one word comes to mind-PAN ASS. Awful genetics, really. So, I decided after reading lots of fitnessy related stuff that lunges of all sorts could give me a little lift...and I think Im seeing it! I even got a compliment on it! So, three days a week I am lunging in differnet planes of motion, with differnt weights, etc.. Weds was heavy legs day (didnt glog it...) but it was my standard heavy squat, leg press, Stiff legged deadlifts, quad extensions, hamstring curl machine.....and static Smith machine lunges. Thursday was a wash out...stupid snow. I did make it to the gym & almost got thru my back workout when I had to get home. Hubby had conference calls and the kids could make those not so good!
So...Ill log todays workout & eats (not bad...just not enough)...My weight dropped. Any other time I would be super psyched that I lost 5 pounds without trying but in contest prep I am afraid that could mean some muscle is sliding off too...argh!
7AM-1 whole egg + 3/4 c egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal 15 almonds
OH DB press: 25 x 10 x 5
1/4 lateral raises w/25's: 20 x 4
Lateral raises (full): 10 x 10 x 4
Ascending get down get up OH DB press w/10 lbs: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (Basically you hold the weights straight arm over head and do the # of reps then go down to your knees and get back up while keeping your arms up and locked out...then resume the press to 2, then 3, and so on)
Front raises:10x10x4 (in between did lunges with a twist with a 16lb med ball 20 between each set)
Face pulls: 45x10x4 (along with tricep skullcrushers 20lbs in between each fp set x 12 x 4)
Cable crunches (100lbs x 20 x 4) with bench dips 10 x 4
Close grip chest press 30 x 12 x 4 (along with exercise ball hamstring curls 20 x 4)
All of this took about 70 minutes. Yep. With resting between 30-45 second between each set, potty break (2) and drinking water (got thru 64 oz water at the gym-yay!)
Lunch Meal 2 11:45AM: (Friendlys...the kids being out of school for snow days is KILLING my workouts!)
1/2 turkey club & salad with fat free Italian dressing.
Meal 3 2:00PM: 1 cup egg whites & 1/4 cup shredded mozerella cheese & 1 T almond butter...
Meal 4 5:00PM:1/2 PB&J (low sugar jelly ...but still processed and crappy low carb bread)
Meal 5 6:30PM: 3/4 cup egg whites & 2 cups steamed asparagus.
I am full and have no desire to have a protein shake at bedtime but...I will...cause I will wake up tomorrow regretting that decision.
So...we are going to be traveling to Florida tomorrow! YAY! blogging for at least a week while me & my family escape the cold, crumminess of this snowy weather and get our south florida groove on:)
Hope everyone is doing great with whatever goals they have focused on. Ya know, you are always stronger than you think, I promise!
Taken for granted
So...Id like to dedicate this post to my sister from another mother, M. is a little bit of a mea culpa but mostly a lesson in making sure you acknowledge those amazing people who walk into your life and are instantly like family. We met at the gym and I knew what a special person M was by her perpetual smile and sunny disposition-always. After getting to know her better I realized we are very very alike and I have decided she is like my sister from another mother.
SHe is an amazing athlete-ran 26.2...caled me afterwards and said, "I feel great" It was Halloween & she went trick or treating with her kids that night! I wouldnt have been able to walk for a week afterwards...but not M. She is that rare gem of a person who is always open & kind, non judgemental and instant family. And, at times, we take the fact that our families are always there for us for granted. I dont ever want my friends-incredibly special ones like M-ever feeling that way. Its her smiling face and conversations that make 5:15am a bearable time to workout. Its her committment to being a great athlete that I so respect and its her love of friends and family that I so admire. Just sayin...:)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Im back...but will be going FLORIDA!!! WAHOO!
This is a quickie entry...unpacking then REPACKING FOR FLORIDA!!!!!
So, I dont think I mentioned this but we (my hub & kids & me) are headed to Florida for a week. We are driving which sounds insane BUT I like having the freedom of having a vehicle on vacation AND I love to drive. All good! We just returned from my familys neck of the woods on sunday. Fun, busy and as always...a little hectic. But, it was a really successful trip! YAY! workouts have been good and I have increased my weight on just about every chest exercise as well as increase in reps (from 12-15 x 4 sets) on my decline (bench) push ups. Monday was chest & triceps and I am still feeling was shoulders, abs & butt. I am feeling my shoulders BIG time. I did 45 mins treadmill uphill walking intervals early morning but was so lucky to have two friends there that early (5:15) to talk with the whole time. Then, my supercool friend "I" let me boss her around on the basketball court with 14 pound medicine ball & a BOSU. She is s super strong girl and let me give her a beating for about 30 mins! She rocked it!
So my food...all ok except I didnt appropriately plan and had 1/2 bag of peanut M&M's yesterday...the other half Ben happily grabbed from my sweaty palms. Oh...and over the weekend I did have a piece of birthday cake (small slice ) and about 4 beers-Yeungling-YUMMY! I was visiting with my family & friends at a cool bar in Norfolk, Virginia (about 3 hours from where I live...and where my family is now) and HAD to do it. So good...and it even gave me a little buzz! but. i wasnt driving so YAY me....i never drink...
maggie who is 3 would like to put band aids on my arms & head. apparenly, ive been injured so...until tomorrow...and I PROMISE I will be more specific!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Fridays planned workout
Me & the kids are going down to my family's this weekend & bringing along my friend who, in the fall, will be going to college there to work on his Masters. He will most likely end up living with my mom until he can find a pad of his own. I love my family but we all have our quirks like everyone else. Food is a demon that lurks in the emotional bandaids of my family. Every time I go home it is a struggle to stay away from the processed stuff. My sister (who we will be staying with) is trying really hard to keep it clean. And, knowing we are coming I think she is going to be superhelpful. And, having my friend there who knows I am in training for competitions will be helpful too. Hoping I wont let my guard down......
My planned workout is back & cardio. well will see how it goes!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
THURSDAY 1/20/11
Today I didnt have anything scheduled. Since my husband has been traveling I cannot do early am cardio workouts. Kinda stinks because I run out of gas if I do cardio & weights in the same session. And...I dont have three hours at once to devote to the workout. So...I decided I would try to keep my heart rate up, do some HIIT then a cardio circuit with weights...I usually dont do this.
My food was ok but I am thinking I didnt eat enough...
Eats & Beats:
Meal 1 6AM: 3/4 cup egg whites + 3 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup oatmeal with splenda & cinnamon
Meal 2 9AM: 4 oz chicken breast & 1/2 Maggies mini bagel with RF cream cheese that looked too tempting not to eat. Uh duh
20 mins HIIT on stairclimber between 10-15! I alternated minutes of lateral going up, alternating steps, calf raises, hamstring curls, catch my drift...oh...and I tried to sprint up them a little-I could only do the stair sprint for like 30 secs MAX!
Then stiff legged deadlifts for my tush-
90 x 8 x 5, 110 x 6 x 3
Then...100 walking lunges with a twist with a 14 lb med ball!! coupled with a variety of moderate weight exercises like pull ups (assisted), overhead presses, tricep dips, lying weighted leg raises, cable leg extensions. Then, I needed to get in a good abs triset so I did...
I got this from Muscle & Fitness Hers, friends!
20 Cable crunches
20 lying oblique twists (bikes)
20 hip thrusters
repeat sequence 3 times...then abs are a bit fried....
Whole workout took about an hour. But, I think I kept up my heart rate and it was good:)
Shit...I did have a cheat-three bites of Maggies (my daughters) cheeseburger from McD's. Damn!
Meal 3 12 noon: LARGE salad with 5 oz chicken breast. 1/2 cup oatmeal
Meal 4 3PM: 3 oz ground turkey, 7 triscuits & raw asparaguse dipped in Walden farms dressing....
But...I effed up and didnt eat properly because I had a client & didnt get home til 8PM. So...what did I do? Ate about a 2 inch slice of cold, crappy pizza hut pizza that Maggie or Ben didnt eat. Gross. Now the salt makes me all puffy & Im PISSED that I was a dummy and ate it!
Oh well..better day tomorrow!
I have to say I love leg day. I ALWAYS feel it the next day and its good! My food was super and I consumed most fo the calories I was supposed to in th appropriate breakdown! Heres the eats & beats...
Meal 1 6AM: 3/4 egg whites with 3 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup blueberries.
Meal 2 9AM: WPP shake
SQUATS (including the bar which is 45): 115x 10x 2, 135 x 10 x 2, 155 x 6 x 2
Hi Leg press: 90 x 20 x 2, 140 x 10 x 2
Smith lunges: 10 x 12 x 2, 15 x 10 x 2, 25 x 10 x 1 (ouch ouch ouch)
Machines: Hamstring curls 70 x 10 x 4, 80 x 8 x 2
Leg extensions: 70 x 10 x 4, 75 x 12 x 1, 80 x 10 x 2
Calf raises:70 x 10 x 3, 90 x 10 x 1
I did have a mini cheat but it was immediately afterwards...1/2 a bagel! YUMMY!
Meal 3 12:30:about 3 oz Turkey breast on a bagel (ate 1/2 the bagel only) then 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 cups steamed asparagus, 3 oz chicken breast
Meal 4 3PM: Coffee with SF hot cocoa mixed in (its nt calorie nor completely free os all sugars but I just wanted coffee with something fancy!), 4 oz chicken breast, 1 cup blanched (and crunchy-yum) asparagus
Meal 5 5:30PM: 1 cup egg whites, 3 oz ground turkey, 1 cup asparagus & 2 oz RF ched cheese omlette with 4 oz sweet potato that I roasted in a pan-YUMMY! I love breakfast foods!!
Bad thing...I didnt eat after this. I felt full...
Woah! 3 days & no blog? WTH??? :)
So...I know I cannot remember exactly every food I ate...but I do know that Tues Weds & Thurs went of with eating...actually...I underate. Bad thing when maintaining muscle mass! But, my hub was traveling for work and sometimes that means eating every 3 hours doesnt happen. Oh well!
My food breakdown goes a little like this every day...I mix it up a little but its still basic...
around 200g protein
130-150 carbs
30 fats
and a gallon of water AT LEAST!!
Started taking liquid L carnitine from Max Muscle and it definitely helps me thru my workouts. So, my supplements are shaping up like this:
L glutamine 1 scoop 3 x a day
Liquid L carnitine once 30 mins before Am workout once midafternoon (if I get a chance to workout again)
Multivitamin with probiotics, spirulina & all that stuff
Fish Oil
I dont want to go too crazy taking stuff. Since I have no thyroid I kinda feel like my body metabolizes things a little differently. Maybe Im just full of shit and dont want to spend the money. That said...I defiitely will be keeping L carn in stock. I can feel it helping me!
So my workouts...BTW...the gym was a ghost town...icy roads prevented people from coming in so I had every piece of equipment available to me until about 11 when people started strolling in!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!!!
Tuesday was ....
SHOULDERS again...I love it! (and biceps & a little butt...well... hahaha)
OH DB press:25 x 10 x 1, 20 x 10 x 3 (nt sure why i couldnt keep it up at 25 but I fept failing so I just dropped)
OH press coupled with rear lunges:1,2,3,4,5 and so on up to 10...I used 10 lbs. This hurts. really it Hurts. While lunging the weights stay up, arms extended, elbows locked out. Ouch ouch ouch. I do not take credit for this...thanks to Joe.
1/4 lateral raises with 25 x 20 x 4..ouch ouch ouch...coupled with 12 walking lunges with a twist with a 14 lb med ball.
Face pulls 40 x 10 x 4 coupled with cable leg extensions 20 each
Seated OH press with 15 x 20 x 3 coupled with step ups x 20
I am sitting int he dark while everyone is still sleeping and cannot remember my abs but I know I did something...I think a bunch of planks or something...
No cardio because I kept it moving the whole time!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday 1/17/11 Chest & triceps
So...I just have to say I am returning from a trip to Chuck E Cheese with my kids. I feel like I am hungover. And to top off the zaniness some creepy dude who kept trying to stare me down in there and kept attempting conversation with me (crying and screaming children thwarted most attempts) followed me & the kids TO THE CAR! I got my Jersey badass blood up and had my key inbetween my fingers in case I needed to pop his jugular. I sounds like a freak but he scared me & the kids. he kept calling out from behind us"Excuse me. Hello?" I looked around to make sure I hadnt dropped anything but this guy was full on scary dude. Jersey was up.
So eats & beats...
Meal 1 6:30AM:3/4 cup egg whites & 3/4 cup steel cut oats (they make me feel superfull)
Meal 2 9:00AM:protein shake
Workout...chest & triceps
Bench 65 x 10 x 2, 75 x 8 x 2, 85 x 4 x 1 (just thought Id try)
Decline (off the bench) push ups 4 x 12
Incline DB chest press: 25 x 10 x 4, 30 x 8 x 1
DB flyes with a push out:15 x 10 x 4
skullcrushes: 20 x 12 x 4
close grips: 30x 12 x 4
Bench dips w/feet up on another bench: 12 x 4
and just for kicks...ball tucks 12 x 4 and prone ball hamstring curls 3 x 20 to the damn CHarles E Cheeses for insane mayhem & chaos. WTH?
I had salad fromt eh salad bar which was fine...except for the mound of cottage cheese I put on my plate. Probably full fat but oh well!
Plan for tomorrow....
SHOULDERS, abs & biceps & 30 mins HIIT!
craziness...and lack o'bloggin!
So, I (obviously) havent blogged in a few days. Not because I didnt work out but because Thing 2 had the vomits on Saturday and I felt like crap on Friday. So...I will log yesterdays (Sundays) workout as far as I can eats were AWFUL but sparse. I think I downed about 80 g protein TOTAL for the day! boo hiss. Should be consuming close to goes..
Saturday I DID do 1 hour treadmill walk 4.0 mph-4.5mph and incline between 1.5-7.0...i think..
7:30am:Black coffee from starbux
1/2 cup steel cut oats + 1/2 cup egg whites...(felt superfull after that!)
10:00am Back & cardio
WARM UP-BOSU burpees with a push up, 14lb medicine ball bounds, wall balls w/14lb medicine ball (12 x 3)
HEAVY standard deadlifts 135 x 8 x 3, 155 x 6 x 1, 175 x 4 x 1..then dead..hahaha!
Bent over bb rows: 65 x 10 x 3, 75 x 8 x 1
SLDL:135 x 10 x 2, 155 x 8 x 2
Bent Over DB rows: 35 x 10 x 4
LPD: 60 x 10 x 4
Low Row:60 x 10 x 4, 70 x 8 x 1
Decided to put on the damn weighted vest again & do lateral step ups 10, 9, 8, 9, 10 with an equal # of power push ups on the smith machine in between (my good friend, Mike, introduced this madness to me. he is awesome!) Then...thought Id be super nuts and go get ont he stepmill and do intervals. So...I did. 20 mins of HIIT with the weighted vest going laterally, alternating steps, calf raises...whatever I could think of to mix it up for 20 mins. Then I was all done.
Then I came home & had a protein shake. Thats it. Oh...then I had ot get a bathing suit (ewww sucks!) and ate a cupcake at the not even a cheat day and I screwed it up!
Salad with 6 oz grilled chicken for dinner
egg whites w/asparagus around 7...then food was done. Those steel cut oats fill me up!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
One sick, two sick...
Yea. So, kinda like a Dr Seuss book. One is sick, then two sick then a vomit here, sore throat there people are illin everywhere. (yes...Im a dork)
NO WORKOUT TODAY WHICH STUNK! Nah...Ben was sooo super sick I couldnt imagine leaving him. We went to the doc who gave him a medicine to keep him from vomiting so that he wont dehydrate but now it is making him so sleepy and he doesnt want to drink. Dammed if we do dammed if we dont. Doc has no idea what it is...maybe virus...maybe something more exotic and dramatic. He wants us back in the morning to reevaluate.
I heard him wake up this morning but didnt hear him come down the stairs. 20 mins goes by.
me:"Ben, where are you?"
Ben:"In the bathroom"
me:"You ok?"
Ben:"I think Im s*....." followed by the lovely sounds of bodily fluids erupting. gross, I know. he couldnt keep anything down or in. But, with the zofran he has kept in about 6 oz of fluid & 3 saltines. Doc says he might want us back this afternoon to get IV fluids if he throws up again. :( is a bomb. Tomorrow, I will kick ass & take names. The boy comes first, tho....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Dear headcold, please go away.
So, last night I started to feel a little crappy-splitting headache, sore throat, runny nose and a little fever. I had to cancel my supercoolest client and was bummed about that. But, I took a mini nap (i.e. got in the bed & hid from my children for about 45 mins!!) while Kirk occupied their time. I ate nothing after my 2:00Pm meal I felt so bad. That and the Advil gel caps upset my stomach something awful. Got into the bed by 8:45. Woke up today at my usual 4:30am with a SUPER sore throat from all the post nasal drip. Gross. TMI. I am never sick so it pisses me off. Super p.oed. No early morning cardio...ratfarts!
I loaded up on excedrin migraine to help the headache & chloraseptic throat lozenges, green tea, water then coffee. (still no sf creamer) Helped a little and I still wasnt sure if I was going ot make it to workout....but I did. I HAD to. I would be grumpier if I had stayed home. ANd, since Maggie didnt have preschool due ot the snow I neeeded the indoor lunging/playground of the kids club for her. So, she & Ben & I trudged on and into the kids club they went.
eats & beats...
MEAL 1 6AM: 1/2 cup oatmeal + 3/4 cup egg whites
MEAL 2 9am: 4oz ground turkey burger
Warm up...7 mins on stepmachine @ 7
SQUATS 70 x 10 x 2, 45 x 8 x 3
SLDLs:70 x 10 x 4 (usually can get to 90 but I was pooped)
Static Smith Lunges: 20 x 12 x 2, 30 x 12 x 1, 40 x 10 x 2
High leg press (feet up hi on the plate) 90 x 20 x 2, 90 x 12 x 2
Hamstring curls (machine): 70 x 10 x 4
Leg Extensions (machine):70 x 10 x 4
Calf raises:80 x 10 x 4
Abs & stretching (my legs need a lot of stretching):
Planks 2 x 1 min, 1 x 2 mins
MEAL 3 11:30AM: Cup of chicken soup which maggie ate most of & an asian chicken salad which probably had about 4 oz protein & 2 cups salad + some dressing on it. UGH! Forgot to ask for it ont he side dammit!
MEAL 4 2:30PM: 5 oz chicken breast & 2 cups steamed asparagus + 1/2 cup oatmeal
Havent decided on what else Im going to fix but I think it is a tilapis steam in pouch night!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Chest & triceps
So, have a mentioned that I am a personal trainer thru NASM? I did it last year. It was my New Years Resolution for 2010. I do it privately and I love it. Actually, if money wasnt an issue Id probably do it for free!!! Today, I worked out a friend of mine. We have a barter system going on...Ill work her out & then she will trim my hair. Works for me!
I gotta say...this is why I love doing it. I gave "I" (not sure if she wants her name all over my blog) some pretty tough stuff to do at 6AM...and she KICKED COMPLETE ASS. No kidding. I love it. No complaints. No whining. My other current client/friend "J" (again...wont post names...) is so superawesome. She is a breast cancer survivor and about the toughest chick ever. Anything I throw at her she beats down. This is what motivates me to make my own workouts tougher & more challenging. And, it makes me love what I do even more:) Happy place!!
5:15-5:50AM T'mill intervals from 4.0 mph -4.5 mph at between 4.0%-15% incline.
Then, worked "I"...ran aroudn teh bball court a little and had fun!
Meal 1 7:15AM: VENTI ICED BLACK EYE from Sbux...w/4 creamer (EWWW)...1/2 cup oatmeal w/splenda & 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 4 oz ground turkey burger.
Meal 2 9:00AM: 1/2 gingerbread man...dammit...he was in my car...ugh! + 1 scoop WPP
BEATS...Chest & tris & some abs & a little no weight butt (seriously trying to work the booty...the pan has to go!)
BB Bench: 20 x 10 x 4
DB Incline Bench:25 x 10 x 4
DB Bench Flyes w/a push out: 15 x 10 x 4 compound with hamstring ball tucks 4 x 20
DB Alternating arm chest press: 2o x 15 x 4 each arm ( checking my muscle imbalances...)
40 Push Ups then a hamstring glute pulse/double toe tap 20 per set (80 total..ouch!) (this is a superawesome one from Joe the coolest trainer...HURTS...but I think it ll work!!!)
Bench dips 1 x 10 then bench dips with legs up on another bench 4 sets of 12. ouch.
Close grip press w/30lb bb x 10 x 4 then planks (2 @ 2 mins)
Skullcrushers 20 x 10 x 2, 30 x 8 x 2
Cable pull downs 30 x 10 x 2, 40 x 10 x 2 with cable crunches 80 x 20 x 1, 90 x 20 x 1, 100 x 20 x 1...then all done...rush out to get Ben onto the shcool bus!!!!
Meal 3 11:15AM(post workout):Muscle Milk light protein shake
Meal 3 & 1/2 12:15: 5oz poached chicken, 1 cup steamed asparagus, 1 cup sauteed (in PAM) red peppers & onions, 5 oz sweet potato w/cinnamon & a little splenda
upcoming eats...
Meal 4 2:00PM: 2 oz RF cheddar cheese & 7 triscuits + 1 cup raw red peppers.
Meal 5 5:00PM: 6 oz chicken breast, 2 cups roasted veggies + 1 cup SF hot cocoa after dinner...
Meal 6 8:00 PM: 1/2 cup egg whites & some raw fibrous veggie of some sort
Plan for up with I again after 45 min steady state walk at 4.0...I wont do intervals because Weds is LEGS day and I intend to do HEAVY squats!!! YAY! I love it. yep...Im a dork!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Maggie has a runny nose. I will not be beating myself three times today. But, maybe I can play with my TRX for a while!!!! Food stays the same, tho....
Maybe a 3 a day kinda day???
SO Im an odd. I love to train. I talk to people every day who say they HATE working out, that it sucks & so on. Not me. Not by a long shot. I am wierdo like that. Ilike to push myself, break a super gross sweat then be mello afterwards. I am nicer and calmer and can magae stress waaaaay better! Ok...PSA done.
5:30-6:15 workout with super trainer Joe. He is my friends, Cheryl, trainer & longtime friend. I asked her if he was available to train as I need to mix it up. She was so gracious and asked him for me. He called & asked what I would like to work on. Shoulders & butt. Absolutely. I have long lanky arms & no bottom. Anyway to build those areas would be awesome. So...he 5:30AM. And he explained he really isnt an "early morning" kinda guy. Thank you Joe! You sufficiently kicked my tail!
So he did three circuits involving lunges (unilateral & bilateral) & shoulder press...overhead & lateral as well as some band glute squeezey/donkey kick things. I must, I must, I must increase my BUTT! 1 @ 7AM: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup froz blueberries, 4 oz ground turkey
MEAL 2: 9:00AM WPP shake
9:45-11:00 training again...
Then,back, more butt & biceps...& a little cardio..
Stairstepper 10 mins at 10-12, walking uphill at 15% incline at 4.2 mph 10 mins....
HEAVY SLDL's for the booty & hams: 35 x 10 x 2, 45 x 8x 1, 45 x 4 x 1, 45 x 7 x 1 ss with 15lb db plank rows x 10 x 4
Bent over BB rows w/5lb x 10 x 3, w/1olbs added x 10 x 2
30 lb Bent over one arm rows 10 x 4 ss w/35lb KB swings 15,15,12,12 (ouch)
Lat Pull Downs 60 x 10 x 4
Low Row 60 x 10 x 4
Bicep curls:
Alternating 15lb x 12 x 4
20 x 21 x 3 (7 from top to middle, 7 from middle to bottom, 7 full range of motion)
MEAL 3 11:30AM: Had a 6 oz chicken breast awaiting me in the car when I was done! HAHA!
1/2 cup oatmeal w/spplenda & 15 almonds, 2 cups asparagus, 1 cup coffee w/sf creamer
MEAL 4 2:30PM:peanut butter & 1/2 apple, 2 cups salad greens
Meal 5 4:30PM: WPP shake
My intention is to return to the gym & do steady state cardio for no less then 45 mins from 5:30-6:15. Why, you ask? Because I would like to make the gym "family" time sometimes. And, its so cold out I havent lunged the kids. Kids Club will be good for them unless Maggies cold progresses further...ugh.....
Meal 6 by 7PM: 2 cups steamed asparagus, 1/2 cup brown rice & 5 oz chicken.
Plan for tomorrow...
Early am!!! fun cardio circuit!!! WAHOO!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday 1.8.11
So, I have decided that I need to have at leasta cheat day/meal/whatever. I didnt do it before and I would find myself gorging myself on a random cheat food here and there (milkshake oreos-gross). Today is my "cheat" day. I did pretty well the past three and have dropped to 143. I am still about 15 weeks out. And, I discovered thru the process last time I get a little "stringy" looking. So,Im not trying to lose a ton of muscle this time around. Im thinking if I dont drop lbs so fast I can still build a little in the meantime. Whatever. My body & genetics are what they are.
I was up (like clockwork) at 4:30 am. Wide awake. UGH! I made a pot of coffee & had two cups with sugar free creamer. Yes...its still in the diet. Then, 5 oz poached (and very dry-yuk) chicken breast around 5:30/6am.
Gym time where I did an hour of uphill intervals on the dreadmill. Luckily, friends came & and kept me occupied most of the time. Not looking to beat down the legs or go super high is Saturday after all. But I did minmum 4.0 up to 4.5 at between a 4% and 15% incline. 60 minutes (I lie...58:48 close enough)
9:30am: Post cardio...I anticipated having a carb laden meal for breakfast....pancakes, muffins, bread, potatoes? Nope. I ended up having a BAGEL sandwich with egg whites & veggies. It was so good & warm, soft & fresh...and I ate about 1/2 the bagel. I struggled with the left over soft squishy bagel that was left over after eating the first 1/2 and ended up eating all but about a third of it.
No worries. Move on....
10:30 Got home & ate 3 oz dry poached chicken breast, a HUGE plate of salad greens with balsamic vinegar on it (probably 3 cups of salad...I need to do penance for the bagel...just a little)
12:40PM:Just ate 1/4 cup oatmeal with 1/4 cup frozen blueberries & splenda. Need more protein and will probably go for a WPP shake. BTW...Max Muscle makes a super delicious really mixable chocolate protein powder with virtually no carbs. YUM!
Now...on to boxing things up. We are having hardwood floors installed in the house-top two levels....maybe 2700 square feet. It is a huge remodel but we need it. Kirk & both the kids have super allergies and everything that I have read as well as everything people have said hardwoods will help with them. I pray!
Meals are thrown off a little today but as long as I can keep up my protein I am all good!
Plan for tomorrow...Cardio circuit 45 mins.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Muscle & Fitness Hers...
I know all of you are either in person or online friends so you know about the M&FHERS Topic of the Year thing. Hysterical, right? Heres the link...just in case....
And I got my cool lifting gloves & perfect push ups!!! And, they are going to pay for my magazine subs for a year. Sounds good to me. All I did was tell people of my bizarro life.
A couple of months ago after I posted my response on Brodies new topic thread "HELP...trying to compete with hypothyroidism" (B that was you, right?) one of the nicest people from M&FHERS emailed and said she would like to send me some gifts! Im guessing because I got the Nov Forum Topic of the month. Anyhoo...They sent me a gym towel, T shirt, a racerback M&FHers shirt and a great bball cap. Awesome!
Bad ass in a weighted vest! hahaha!
So, I did butt today. I have no butt and looking at pics of myself vs. other competitiors in figure shows...I still have no butt. No jiggle or cottage cheese...just no butt. Plain & simple. Its a pan, really but...I think Ive noticed a little "lift" shall we say??? Ive been doing heavu deadlifts and LOTS of hamstring curls, walking lunges & deep squats in hopes that I might, one day, have 1/100th of J Lo's can. Silly pipe dreams...
SO what did I do today?? here goes...
5:15-6:15 Treadmill walking (I mean DREADmill) incline between 10-15 for 45 mins at 4.0-4.4 mph. Then, 15 mins steady state at 4.0 x 4.0.
7:00Am MEAL 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup frozen blueberries w/splenda on it, 3/4 cup egg whites ( did add a dash of salt), 3 ounces chicken breast.
Preworkout 9:00AM Meal"ish: 2: 1/2 Muscle Milk light ready made shake. Yuk. But, I forgot to eat another meal and had this in my gym smelly bag.
WORKOUT...glutes & biceps...
Stiff legged deadlifts-35x10x2, 45x10x1,45x10x8 (UGH! Could NOT get to ten)
Deep squats (w/Olympic bar-weighs 45lbs) 20lbs x 10 x 3, 25 x 10 x 1
Barbell lunges (w/same bar...less legs hurt at this point) 10 x 10x 3, 15 x 10 x 1
Lying Ball hamstring curl (lie down on your back get you calves/ankles on the ball and curl it in toward your body...ouch) 20 x 4 ss w/lying leg lifts w/5lbs x 20
Donkey Kicks 20 x 4
Then, because Im a sicko...I put on a 20lb weighted vest and did lateral step ups to balance to a curtsy...sets went like this 10, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 8 ,7, 6...then I almost fell because my legs were shakey. SUPER FREAKIN FUN! And, I feel like a bad ass when I wear the vest...Im just being honest. Oh and I superset them with bench push ups but because I di lost of chest yesterday I could only pull off the first 10, 9, 8 then my chest was SORE!!!
Then, cable glute kickbacks ss with seated cable preacher curls...I didnt write the damn weights down but I know the curls were no more than 30 lbs.
Barbell curls 30 x 10 x 4
Seated incline DB curls w/10s...superslow and controlled...especially at the top of the movement because I think maybe I cheat a little with the barbell. Again...nerd...not a cheater!
Then, I ran out of gas. Done. I didnt even shower. Ew. Smelly chick leaving the gym-thank goodness! The stank has left the building. P.U.
Meal 2 12 noon:1/2 muscle milk light, 6 oz chicken breasts, 5 oz sweet potato w/2 T ff plain greek yogurt with cinnamon & splenda on it, 2 cups steamed asparagus.
Planned meals....
Meal 3 2:30PM:(coming up soon) 3 oz chicken breast, coffee with sf creamer (ugh...wild horses couldnt drag me away from my beloved chemically enhanced creamer!...note the reference to an awesome song:)1 T natural peanut butter & 1/2 honey crisp apple dip. I love to dip. I am a condiment girl.
If Maggie is still napping I might do some leg stuff on my brand new TRX. I am in love with it.
Meal 4 by 5:30PM: My husband is a little tired. I am needing a change from chick breasts. Im thinking chinese. NO. Not THAT kind of chinese...I eat "long life meal" thank yu veddymuch. No salt, MSG, added sugar. They just throw veggies & chicken in a steamer & steam it. Its not too bad. The kids & Kirk will eat some MSG laden feast of sauces & batter but not me. All good. Id feel like crap if I ate in anyways. And I lie. Maggie prefers her food "clean" hahaha! And...ben wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. he only likes the super healthy white rice! HA!
Meal 5 8PM: Egg whites & red peppers, hot ginger tea. YUM!
Oh. ALmost forgot...weight down to 143 this am...phew. Oh, that & my monthly bill has been charged and I am bloated. Sucks. Sorry TMI. I had to. If I seem unreasonably emotional in my blogs the next few days you will understand...
Saturday Plan...
CARDIO steady state 1 hour...most likely walking on the DREADMILL...
WAHOO! Go Weighted Vest Go!
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