Monday, January 10, 2011

Maybe a 3 a day kinda day???

SO Im an odd. I love to train. I talk to people every day who say they HATE working out, that it sucks & so on. Not me. Not by a long shot. I am wierdo like that. Ilike to push myself, break a super gross sweat then be mello afterwards. I am nicer and calmer and can magae stress waaaaay better! Ok...PSA done.

5:30-6:15 workout with super trainer Joe. He is my friends, Cheryl, trainer & longtime friend. I asked her if he was available to train as I need to mix it up. She was so gracious and asked him for me. He called & asked what I would like to work on. Shoulders & butt. Absolutely. I have long lanky arms & no bottom. Anyway to build those areas would be awesome. So...he 5:30AM. And he explained he really isnt an "early morning" kinda guy. Thank you Joe! You sufficiently kicked my tail!
So he did three circuits involving lunges (unilateral & bilateral) & shoulder press...overhead & lateral as well as some band glute squeezey/donkey kick things. I must, I must, I must increase my BUTT! 1 @ 7AM: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup froz blueberries, 4 oz ground turkey
MEAL 2: 9:00AM WPP shake

9:45-11:00 training again...
Then,back, more butt & biceps...& a little cardio..
Stairstepper 10 mins at 10-12, walking uphill at 15% incline at 4.2 mph 10 mins....
HEAVY SLDL's for the booty & hams: 35 x 10 x 2, 45 x 8x 1, 45 x 4 x 1, 45 x 7 x 1 ss with 15lb db plank rows x 10 x 4
Bent over BB rows w/5lb x 10 x 3, w/1olbs added x 10 x 2
30 lb Bent over one arm rows 10 x 4 ss w/35lb KB swings 15,15,12,12 (ouch)
Lat Pull Downs 60 x 10 x 4
Low Row 60 x 10 x 4

Bicep curls:
Alternating 15lb x 12 x 4
20 x 21 x 3 (7 from top to middle, 7 from middle to bottom, 7 full range of motion)

MEAL 3 11:30AM: Had a 6 oz chicken breast awaiting me in the car when I was done! HAHA!
1/2 cup oatmeal w/spplenda & 15 almonds, 2 cups asparagus, 1 cup coffee w/sf creamer

MEAL 4 2:30PM:peanut butter & 1/2 apple, 2 cups salad greens

Meal 5 4:30PM: WPP shake

My intention is to return to the gym & do steady state cardio for no less then 45 mins from 5:30-6:15. Why, you ask? Because I would like to make the gym "family" time sometimes. And, its so cold out I havent lunged the kids. Kids Club will be good for them unless Maggies cold progresses further...ugh.....

Meal 6 by 7PM: 2 cups steamed asparagus, 1/2 cup brown rice & 5 oz chicken.

Plan for tomorrow...
Early am!!! fun cardio circuit!!! WAHOO!

1 comment:

  1. Wow busy day! Oh and thanks for the tanning info - spray-on it is!!
