My food was ok but I am thinking I didnt eat enough...
Eats & Beats:
Meal 1 6AM: 3/4 cup egg whites + 3 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup oatmeal with splenda & cinnamon
Meal 2 9AM: 4 oz chicken breast & 1/2 Maggies mini bagel with RF cream cheese that looked too tempting not to eat. Uh duh
20 mins HIIT on stairclimber between 10-15! I alternated minutes of lateral going up, alternating steps, calf raises, hamstring curls, catch my drift...oh...and I tried to sprint up them a little-I could only do the stair sprint for like 30 secs MAX!
Then stiff legged deadlifts for my tush-
90 x 8 x 5, 110 x 6 x 3
Then...100 walking lunges with a twist with a 14 lb med ball!! coupled with a variety of moderate weight exercises like pull ups (assisted), overhead presses, tricep dips, lying weighted leg raises, cable leg extensions. Then, I needed to get in a good abs triset so I did...
I got this from Muscle & Fitness Hers, friends!
20 Cable crunches
20 lying oblique twists (bikes)
20 hip thrusters
repeat sequence 3 times...then abs are a bit fried....
Whole workout took about an hour. But, I think I kept up my heart rate and it was good:)
Shit...I did have a cheat-three bites of Maggies (my daughters) cheeseburger from McD's. Damn!
Meal 3 12 noon: LARGE salad with 5 oz chicken breast. 1/2 cup oatmeal
Meal 4 3PM: 3 oz ground turkey, 7 triscuits & raw asparaguse dipped in Walden farms dressing....
But...I effed up and didnt eat properly because I had a client & didnt get home til 8PM. So...what did I do? Ate about a 2 inch slice of cold, crappy pizza hut pizza that Maggie or Ben didnt eat. Gross. Now the salt makes me all puffy & Im PISSED that I was a dummy and ate it!
Oh well..better day tomorrow!
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