Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday 1/17/11 Chest & triceps

So...I just have to say I am returning from a trip to Chuck E Cheese with my kids. I feel like I am hungover. And to top off the zaniness some creepy dude who kept trying to stare me down in there and kept attempting conversation with me (crying and screaming children thwarted most attempts) followed me & the kids TO THE CAR! I got my Jersey badass blood up and had my key inbetween my fingers in case I needed to pop his jugular. I sounds like a freak but he scared me & the kids. he kept calling out from behind us"Excuse me. Hello?" I looked around to make sure I hadnt dropped anything but this guy was full on scary dude. Jersey was up.

So eats & beats...
Meal 1 6:30AM:3/4 cup egg whites & 3/4 cup steel cut oats (they make me feel superfull)
Meal 2 9:00AM:protein shake
Workout...chest & triceps
Bench 65 x 10 x 2, 75 x 8 x 2, 85 x 4 x 1 (just thought Id try)
Decline (off the bench) push ups 4 x 12
Incline DB chest press: 25 x 10 x 4, 30 x 8 x 1
DB flyes with a push out:15 x 10 x 4

skullcrushes: 20 x 12 x 4
close grips: 30x 12 x 4
Bench dips w/feet up on another bench: 12 x 4

and just for kicks...ball tucks 12 x 4 and prone ball hamstring curls 3 x 20 to the damn CHarles E Cheeses for insane mayhem & chaos. WTH?
I had salad fromt eh salad bar which was fine...except for the mound of cottage cheese I put on my plate. Probably full fat but oh well!

Plan for tomorrow....
SHOULDERS, abs & biceps & 30 mins HIIT!

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