Thursday, May 30, 2013 so much

so my weight & bf% have stayed the same. Why you ask? Cause I've fallen off the wagon for  a bit. Sick kids always throw a wrench in the plans. But there is no place I'd rather be than snuggling with one of them...even with coughing in my face, green boogies, pink eye and all that stuff.
However, everyone seems well and I am back on.
fingers crossed...will blog again soon..

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sweet potato addendum!

totally forgot to add 4 oz sweet taters to an AM & PM meal!

MOTHERS DAY...D DAY! 21 weeks out....sample meal plan is the LAST day of almost daily fancy least except for my 1x/week "treat". My LAST MEAL will be Outback Steakhouse. with baked potato and every bit of crap that it comes with it. Tomorrow starts competition diet...1800 cals/day. I will have a piece of fruit to start but then pull out all fruit & dairy 10 weeks out.  One cheat meal a week. One cheat "alcohol" a week...then ALL cheats gone at 12 weeks out. ALL CHEATS. July 28. From then on ALL cheats gone.


5am Banana, 1 cup steamed veggies & 3/4 cup egg white w/1/2 avocado, coffee w/sugar free creamer (home brewed)

8am 3/4 cup oatmeal & 4 oz chicken

11am protein shake (30g protein, 3 carbs) & finish uneaten oatmeal

2PM 2 cups salad greens or 2 cups steamed asparagus, 4 oz chicken breast, 1/2 avocado, balsamic vinegar, 1/2 cup frozen bluberries

5PM 4 oz salmon, 2 cups steamed veggies

8PM (pre bedtime) 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 cup raw veggies, decaf green tea

Workouts are going to be short & sweet. All I have time for. 30-45 min HIIT cardio 5 days a week. 5 days a week lifting HEAVY for the next 14 weeks. By 8 weeks out I will most likely be attempting to maintain the muscle mass I have built & just burning off excess adipose. and attempting to work & be there for the kids without being extraordinarily wiped out!

Id love feedback & insights from ANYONE who is reading this. Thank you!

Monday, May 6, 2013


So, I am thinking this will be the competition I train for. Already has my kick butt training partner ready. Did chest today and 45 mins cardio. Burned a pathetic total (with Polar HR monitor) 620 cals. Starting next week to wean myself of my beloved Starbucks. Dammit. 
Chest workout:

Smith Machine....

Flat bench
12,10,8,6 reps
25,25,25,30 pounds either side

Incline Chest Press 
12,10,8,6 reps
20,20,20,25 lbs either side

DB Flyes

4 sets x 5 reps

DB pullovers
25 lbs x 3 sets x 15 reps

Today 5/6/13
Starting weight: 150
BF: 21% (ew)

Goal by 10/19/13
Competition Weight:132-135

Drop 1/2% a week for 18 weeks (takes me to mid/end of sept)= 9-10% bf loss which is what I need. This is lofty but doable. I get too stringbeany if my bf goes lower. Looks gross. Too cut up. Onward!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Am I crazy?

Yep. Think I am going to do it again....was thinking this morning that the last thing I think I can possibly do may just be the first thing I need to accomplish! Past two years have been a roller coaster. Finding my inner competitor again.  Need to go badass.